Yes, I know, I have been the no update Lady for too long. So here is my little update :-)
Aaron, as you saw from my previous post, has made it half-way through school. It sounds soooo surreal! I remember when me moved here and thought dental school would never, ever, ever end (bit of an exaggeration there). Now, it feels like the someone finally turned the light on at the end of the tunnel and we can see the little speck slowly getting brighter. God is so good!
This now brings to mind our living situation. Where does God want us? It's becoming more and more clear that we want to stay here in Portland, but time will tell. We are also starting to talk about housing, jobs, future practice for Aaron, and our adoption. So much has come out this year, it's like we're adults :-P It's so amazing how life works. Five years ago I would have never dreamed I would be here with my hubby making life changing decisions. I look back on the past and think hos awesome God is and how He has brought me and Aaron through everything. I know He will continue to lead us where He wants us.
Right now, I mainly need patience. I want everything to happen too quickly; I've always been that way. I pray that God will help me in that area, just give me patience. I hope everyone in blogger land is well! God Bless~
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Bad Blogger Lady :-(
Created By Lauren at 8:55 PM Witty Sentiments (3)
Labels: Random
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Whoa Half Way There, Whoa Living on a Prayer
Created By Lauren at 9:42 AM Witty Sentiments (1)
Labels: Dental School, Hubby
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wonderful Weekend
This weekend was wonderful. Mom, dad, grandpa, and Mary came through Portland on their 2 week trip across the west. It was so nice to see everyone. Here are a few pics from their trip, before and during their visit with us. God Bless!
I will post more of their amazing pictures later. I'm just running short on time tonight. God Bless!
Created By Lauren at 7:20 PM Witty Sentiments (2)
Labels: Mom and Dad
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Someone's Been Playing in My Garden
I've been meaning to post these pictures for a while, and just seem to forget. Anyway, one morning as I was leaving for work I found these...
Created By Lauren at 6:29 AM Witty Sentiments (3)
Labels: Portland House
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Weird Weather and Poor Little Cucumber
So we are in the midst of November-like weather, and last time I checked the calandar it was June. Craziness! Anyway, or little garden is doing okay, but our wee cucumber plant died. It was said. We had a rain storm a few nights ago and I came outside to find our little cucumber plant flat on the ground. Sigh... Oh well! The rest of the plants are doing fairly well, but they're small from the lack of sunshine. I heard a report that said we have had 13 days of sun this entire year. It will be interesting to see what the summer is like, if we ever get one :-)
I hope all of you in internet land are well. I will be offline for most of the weekend spending time with my parents and grandparents. I'm sooo excited, I haven' t seen them since Christmas. God Bless!
Created By Lauren at 9:42 AM Witty Sentiments (1)
Labels: Portland House
Sunday, June 01, 2008
What We've Been Up To :-)

Here is the start of mine :-)
Created By Lauren at 6:50 PM Witty Sentiments (4)