Today was, honestly, one of those hard days where the grief came over me like a huge wave. It was good, but still very hard. Grief is strange like that. One minute you’re smiling and feeling fine, and the next, you feel like the wound is brand new again. I loved my grandfather, and it’s becoming more and more real that I won’t see him again on this earth. I do believe with all of my heart that he is in glory with Jesus and I will see him again someday. I hang on to that right now and to my memories of him.
On the brighter side of things, I had a very productive sewing day. I am currently working on two projects. The first is a suit for a good friend and member of our group, Sir Michael. It will be a mid 18th century frock coat, waistcoat, and breeches.
The fabric. It’s actually black, but looks grey on the camera.

Nothing more exiting than pad stitching ;)

Pocket Flap

The second project is a robe l’anglaise for my friend, whom you all know as Mrs. Cartwright.

I love the fabric she chose.

The front is still in half mock-up stage, so it’s not exactly pretty right now.
And lastly, I was ironing seam allowances on Sir Michael’s suit when I looked out the window and saw this little guy. He actually stayed long enough for me to grab the camera and snap a few shots of him.

He was so cute :) The photos aren’t the best, but you get the idea.
Well, that is all for today. Sorry for the discombobulated post today, but this is life right now :) God Bless!
Love Lauren