Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Stays Progress

Yesterday I started my 1790’s stays. I decided to base them off the the Kent University Stays (see pic below). So far I’m please with the result. I still need to sew the boning channels, add the boning, add straps, and bind them. Here are the pics, Enjoy!


Kent University Stays


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The actually close all the way on me, cause I can squish, unlike my dress form.

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4 Witty Sentiments:

Lithia Black said...

Oh, they are so cute :D

Anonymous said...

They are turning out lovely! :)

Clara Florence said...

Nice work Lauren, transition wear is a bit of a fetish of mine. I love fashion while it works it's way into a new ideal.

Hungarican Chick said...

I made a set of transitional stays like that... Didn't work for me because of my 'rubenesque' figure. Stephanie R now owns them.