Hello my friends, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I don’t know about you, but it seems like this weekend just zoomed by. It’s hard to believe tomorrow is already Monday again.
Well, Aaron took his second of three board exams this past Thursday and Friday. That means he has one more to go, in the Spring, before he will be official. Tomorrow is a bit of a bittersweet day. You see, Aaron goes back to school, which is good, but I’ve really enjoyed having him off the past 6 weeks. I’ve come home to a clean house and dinner every night. The animals have also loved having him home all day, especially the dogs. Yes, I always get super spoiled when he’s home. So, tomorrow is back to the grindstone for all involved.
On the costuming front, my finger is healing quite nicely. It doesn’t hurt anymore, it just looks kind of gross. That means, I can start sewing again, yeah! My seven day sewing hiatus has given me plenty of time to research what I want to do. Below are some pictures of what I hope is to come. Enjoy!

Another Open Robe, out of silk this time. I might even try my hand at the Janet Arnold Robe.
I have always loved this ensemble. The hat, the colors, everything. I’m thinking I need a dress like this too :-) BTW, if any of you ladies know where I can find a straw blank in that shape, I would be very grateful for the info.
This gown is just dreamy. I have a light green silk I’m thinking of using to make it with.
I’m thinking next year I’m going to try my hand at embroidering a full gown. My goal is to do something similar to the above dress. A fine muslin gown covered in silver embroidery. But, before I jump into it, I think I'm going to do a gown with silk floss, like the one pictured below.
After I feel more comfortable with a less expensive medium, I will try my hand at the metal. I’m pretty excited about it.
Of course I would be completely selfish to make things only for myself. So, I will be throwing in a new suit for hubby in between all of this. He thinks he wants more of day wear suit rather than silk. So, I found this little gem. I think the frock coat is made out of a light wool or a linen, I’m not sure though.
Well, it’s getting late. I need to start winding down. God Bless and have a great week.
Love Lauren
P.S. I have events happening almost every weekend this month. I will definitely have lots of pictures to post :-)