Yesterday, as promised, we spent the afternoon and evening with our dear friends, Cheryl and Tim. They recently purchased their own house and are just getting settled. Well, said house has a gianormous back yard that is fenced in and perfect for fetch and running. Auntie Cheryl and Uncle Tim invited us and the kids over for a nice play in the yard, a yummy supper, and some quality time. Max-a-Moose and Leila Lu played and Gico birdy had some nice bonding time with the parakeets. He and Pippin bird shared a piece of lettuce, it was very cute. It was a wonderful day and lots of fun was had by all. Here are some pictures and a video of our time with our friends. God Bless~
Max in the car getting ready to go have some fun.
Gico and I waiting for Aaron.
Aaron programing his iPod.
Look how excited (and worried) Leila looks!
Gico and Auntie Cheryl in her back yard.
Uncle Tim playing fetch with Leila.
Max found some grass to eat...yum!
Leila running the stick around.
"Where is it?"
"Here's the toy throw it!"
"I'll get it!!!"
Max in the house after a lot of running around.
Merry & Pippin birdies - Tim and Cheryl's kids.
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