Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fun with the Kids :-)

                 Yesterday, as promised, we spent the afternoon and evening with our dear friends, Cheryl and Tim. They recently purchased their own house and are just getting settled. Well, said house has a gianormous back yard that is fenced in and perfect for fetch and running. Auntie Cheryl and Uncle Tim invited us and the kids over for a nice play in the yard, a yummy supper, and some quality time. Max-a-Moose and Leila Lu played and Gico birdy had some nice bonding time with the parakeets. He and Pippin bird shared a piece of lettuce, it was very cute. It was a wonderful day and lots of fun was had by all. Here are some pictures and a video of our time with our friends. God Bless~

IMG_0014Max in the car getting ready to go have some fun.IMG_0016Gico and I waiting for Aaron.IMG_0015Aaron programing his iPod.IMG_0013Look how excited (and worried) Leila looks!IMG_0019Gico and Auntie Cheryl in her back yard.  IMG_0020 Uncle Tim playing fetch with Leila.IMG_0023Max found some grass to eat...yum!IMG_0024Leila running the stick around.IMG_0028"Where is it?"IMG_0032"Here's the toy throw it!"IMG_0030"I'll get it!!!"
IMG_0036Max in the house after a lot of running around.IMG_0034Merry & Pippin birdies - Tim and Cheryl's kids.

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