I saw this meme on Lissawi's blog. I just had to try it.
How City are You?
I've Drunk Starbucks more than once in my life: Yes
Yes, I used to drink coffee in college. I stopped drinking caffeine about 5 years ago. But, I do get a Starbucks when I travel, yum…
Sometimes I link arms when I walk with someone: Yes
Okay, yes I used to do this as a child. I do it with my husband occasionally.
I shop at AE, A & F, or H co.: No
I’ve tried, but I’m too short for their clothes. I have the hardest time finding anything that fits right. Plus they’re expensive.
I own 4 or more dress shirts/dresses: Yes
I own a lot of dress shirts, but I hate wearing dresses, unless their historical. So I own 2 or 3 dresses that fit in this century.
I will never be caught with out my cell phone: Yes
Guilty as charged! I always have my cell phone and I feel naked without it. Hubby and I text each other throughout the day.
I blow dry/straighten my hair on a daily basis: Yes
I do blow dry my hair when I wear it down. When I wear it up, I don’t bother. I do own a flat iron, but I don’t use it everyday.
I wear flip-flops no matter the weather: Yes
I will wear flip flops whenever I can.
I own an oversized pair of sunglasses: Yes
Yes and I love them.
I own one or more pairs of ripped jeans: No
I have never found a pair that I like and look good on me.
I layer my shirts: Yes
Almost always, especially when I wear a tee shirt.
I have had a "My Space/mirror pic: Yes
I do have a My Space, but I’m never on it. I’m always on Facebook or Blogger.
When I am not drinking Starbucks, I prefer water: Yes
I pretty much only drink water. I love it.
I get annoyed with tom-boys: No
I used to be a tom-boy. The girls didn’t like me. I could play war and ninjas with the best of them.
I own an oversized bag or purse: No
I haven’t found that I need one yet.
I have seen every episode of Laguna Beach: No
Don’t know what that is.
I say "lol" online: Yes
All the time *Blush*
I own straight-legged jeans: Yes
I love my pair tucked into a pair of tall boots.
I walk across the street when there are cars there or not: No
Has anyone heard of a cross walk. They’re there for a reason.
I wear necklaces: Yes
I have two that I wear on a regular basis. But that’s about it.
I own an Ipod/MP3 player: Yes
Ahhh, my iPod touch, I can’t live without it.I have the internet: YesNough said.
I have more than one screen name: Yes
I have/owned a small teacup dog: Yes
I had the coolest pomerainian growing up. She sadly died 3 years ago.
I have said "lol" accidentally in conversation: No
I love shopping: Yes
I love shopping, but I don’t have anyone to go with. If you ladies come to visit me, we’ll shop till we drop, even if we don’t buy anything.
I shop whenever I have the chance: Yes
It’s fun and relaxing for me. Especially window shopping.
I have watched "The Simple Life": No
I can’t stand Paris Hilton.
Count the Yes's and multiply by 3 to get % city:I’m 57% City. The country part should be interesting.
How Country are You?
Have you...Ridden a horse?: Yes
I love it and I can’t wait to have one.
Owned a horse?: No
But I want one.
Owned land?: No
But someday.
Been 4-wheeling?: Yes
I grew up in the desert, that’s what you do.
Said "ain't"?: Yes
Yes I have.
Been cow-tipping?: No
That’s cruel.
Been deer-hunting?: No
I couldn’t do it.
Seen a deer get cleaned?: Yes
There was this weird science teacher in Jr. High who would clean his deer on the field and give extra credit for watching.
Caught a fish?: Yes
Been swimming in a lake?: Yes
I grew up in Lake Havasu City. Again, that’s what you do there.
Worked on a ranch or land?: No
But someday.
Lived in a house in the middle-of-nowhere?: Yes
When I was little we lived in Ohio across the street from a dairy farm, on a dirt road. It was beautiful.
Been duck-hunting?: No
Couldn’t do it. Even though my dogs are officially bred to hunt ducks.
Been swimming in a river?: Yes
The Colorado River
Driven a truck?: Yes
Own or owned a Confederate battle flag?: No
Nough said
Have said, "I don't like it...I love it!"?: Yes
Probably, it’s not a regualarly used phrase.
Have a funny accent or have had people tell you that?: Yes
Yes, I used to live in Kentucky and when I’m around my relatives it starts to come back..
Owned or own a pair of cowboy boots?: Yes
Own/owned a cowboy hat?: Yes
Own/have owned a big dog?: Yes
Does 100 lbs and 80 lbs count?
Say y'all?: Yes
Been made fun of for saying y'all?: No
Swear when you're mad?: Yes
Yes, but I’m not proud of it.
Go to church on Sunday?: Yes
Ridden a horse somewhere in town?: No
Gone on a field trip to a farm/ranch?: No
Our school district was too poor for field trips.
Made deer jerky?: No
Ew, I hate jerky of any kind.
Eaten deer meat?: Yes
I love deer meat. It’s super yummy.
Shot a gun?: Yes
I love guns.
I’m 57% country. Well, at least I’m well balanced. :-D
Sold at Auction- Regency Era Dresses
4 days ago
2 Witty Sentiments:
This was so fun to read! I learned a lot about you that was previously unknown. I didn't know you liked guns! :) I do, too, although I don't have one of my own. Some of my favorite memories with my brothers and dad are going to the sportsmans club and target shooting with them. I don't think I could kill an animal, though, either.
Too fun!!
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