Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Created By Lauren at 4:11 PM Witty Sentiments (1)
Labels: Work Fur Babies
Monday, February 23, 2009
Robe l'Anglaise Progress
Hi Everyone,
Here are some pictures of both the bodice and the hat. God Bless!!!
Created By Lauren at 7:18 PM Witty Sentiments (2)
Labels: 18th Century
We're Being Stalked!!!

Note: This isn't the same Raven, just a pic I found online :-)
Created By Lauren at 8:06 AM Witty Sentiments (2)
Labels: Feather Baby
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Birdy on the Brain

Here's a link to the Exotic Bird Rescue of Oregon. They have a number of birds up for adoption right now. So if you're looking for one, check here first before buying a parrot.
God Bless and have a wonderful weekend!
Love Lauren
Created By Lauren at 7:18 AM Witty Sentiments (1)
Labels: Feather Baby, Random
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Fun with Laser Pointers
Created By Lauren at 8:14 PM Witty Sentiments (0)
Labels: Feather Baby, Friends, Fur Babies
Fun with the Kids :-)
Yesterday, as promised, we spent the afternoon and evening with our dear friends, Cheryl and Tim. They recently purchased their own house and are just getting settled. Well, said house has a gianormous back yard that is fenced in and perfect for fetch and running. Auntie Cheryl and Uncle Tim invited us and the kids over for a nice play in the yard, a yummy supper, and some quality time. Max-a-Moose and Leila Lu played and Gico birdy had some nice bonding time with the parakeets. He and Pippin bird shared a piece of lettuce, it was very cute. It was a wonderful day and lots of fun was had by all. Here are some pictures and a video of our time with our friends. God Bless~
Max in the car getting ready to go have some fun.
Gico and I waiting for Aaron.
Aaron programing his iPod.
Look how excited (and worried) Leila looks!
Gico and Auntie Cheryl in her back yard.
Uncle Tim playing fetch with Leila.
Max found some grass to eat...yum!
Leila running the stick around.
"Where is it?"
"Here's the toy back...now throw it!"
"I'll get it!!!"
Max in the house after a lot of running around.
Merry & Pippin birdies - Tim and Cheryl's kids.
Created By Lauren at 8:02 PM Witty Sentiments (0)
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Feast for the Eyes and Soul...
Okay, now for the meat of this post.... The Portland Art Museum is having a special exhibit that runs through May. I'm super excited about this exhibit (drum roll please). They are presenting La volupté du goût: French Painting in the Age of Madame de Pompadour. Yes, it is an exibit of 18th century art from artists patronized by Madame de Pompadour. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. These works of art surrounded the residents of Versailles. If only they could speak, the things they have seen and been part of. The history that they have survived. As Anne Shirley would say, the thought of these paintings thrill me. I can't wait to see the exhibit. Here is just a taste of what they will be showing.
God Bless!
Love Lauren
Created By Lauren at 3:31 PM Witty Sentiments (3)
Labels: 18th Century
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
City vs County
I saw this meme on Lissawi's blog. I just had to try it.
How City are You?
I've Drunk Starbucks more than once in my life: Yes
Yes, I used to drink coffee in college. I stopped drinking caffeine about 5 years ago. But, I do get a Starbucks when I travel, yum…
Sometimes I link arms when I walk with someone: Yes
Okay, yes I used to do this as a child. I do it with my husband occasionally.
I shop at AE, A & F, or H co.: No
I’ve tried, but I’m too short for their clothes. I have the hardest time finding anything that fits right. Plus they’re expensive.
I own 4 or more dress shirts/dresses: Yes
I own a lot of dress shirts, but I hate wearing dresses, unless their historical. So I own 2 or 3 dresses that fit in this century.
I will never be caught with out my cell phone: Yes
Guilty as charged! I always have my cell phone and I feel naked without it. Hubby and I text each other throughout the day.
I blow dry/straighten my hair on a daily basis: Yes
I do blow dry my hair when I wear it down. When I wear it up, I don’t bother. I do own a flat iron, but I don’t use it everyday.
I wear flip-flops no matter the weather: Yes
I will wear flip flops whenever I can.
I own an oversized pair of sunglasses: Yes
Yes and I love them.
I own one or more pairs of ripped jeans: No
I have never found a pair that I like and look good on me.
I layer my shirts: Yes
Almost always, especially when I wear a tee shirt.
I have had a "My Space/mirror pic: Yes
I do have a My Space, but I’m never on it. I’m always on Facebook or Blogger.
When I am not drinking Starbucks, I prefer water: Yes
I pretty much only drink water. I love it.
I get annoyed with tom-boys: No
I used to be a tom-boy. The girls didn’t like me. I could play war and ninjas with the best of them.
I own an oversized bag or purse: No
I haven’t found that I need one yet.
I have seen every episode of Laguna Beach: No
Don’t know what that is.
I say "lol" online: Yes
All the time *Blush*
I own straight-legged jeans: Yes
I love my pair tucked into a pair of tall boots.
I walk across the street when there are cars there or not: No
Has anyone heard of a cross walk. They’re there for a reason.
I wear necklaces: Yes
I have two that I wear on a regular basis. But that’s about it.
I own an Ipod/MP3 player: Yes
Ahhh, my iPod touch, I can’t live without it.I have the internet: YesNough said.
I have more than one screen name: Yes
I have/owned a small teacup dog: Yes
I had the coolest pomerainian growing up. She sadly died 3 years ago.
I have said "lol" accidentally in conversation: No
I love shopping: Yes
I love shopping, but I don’t have anyone to go with. If you ladies come to visit me, we’ll shop till we drop, even if we don’t buy anything.
I shop whenever I have the chance: Yes
It’s fun and relaxing for me. Especially window shopping.
I have watched "The Simple Life": No
I can’t stand Paris Hilton.
Count the Yes's and multiply by 3 to get % city:I’m 57% City. The country part should be interesting.
How Country are You?
Have you...Ridden a horse?: Yes
I love it and I can’t wait to have one.
Owned a horse?: No
But I want one.
Owned land?: No
But someday.
Been 4-wheeling?: Yes
I grew up in the desert, that’s what you do.
Said "ain't"?: Yes
Yes I have.
Been cow-tipping?: No
That’s cruel.
Been deer-hunting?: No
I couldn’t do it.
Seen a deer get cleaned?: Yes
There was this weird science teacher in Jr. High who would clean his deer on the field and give extra credit for watching.
Caught a fish?: Yes
Been swimming in a lake?: Yes
I grew up in Lake Havasu City. Again, that’s what you do there.
Worked on a ranch or land?: No
But someday.
Lived in a house in the middle-of-nowhere?: Yes
When I was little we lived in Ohio across the street from a dairy farm, on a dirt road. It was beautiful.
Been duck-hunting?: No
Couldn’t do it. Even though my dogs are officially bred to hunt ducks.
Been swimming in a river?: Yes
The Colorado River
Driven a truck?: Yes
Own or owned a Confederate battle flag?: No
Nough said
Have said, "I don't like it...I love it!"?: Yes
Probably, it’s not a regualarly used phrase.
Have a funny accent or have had people tell you that?: Yes
Yes, I used to live in Kentucky and when I’m around my relatives it starts to come back..
Owned or own a pair of cowboy boots?: Yes
Own/owned a cowboy hat?: Yes
Own/have owned a big dog?: Yes
Does 100 lbs and 80 lbs count?
Say y'all?: Yes
Been made fun of for saying y'all?: No
Swear when you're mad?: Yes
Yes, but I’m not proud of it.
Go to church on Sunday?: Yes
Ridden a horse somewhere in town?: No
Gone on a field trip to a farm/ranch?: No
Our school district was too poor for field trips.
Made deer jerky?: No
Ew, I hate jerky of any kind.
Eaten deer meat?: Yes
I love deer meat. It’s super yummy.
Shot a gun?: Yes
I love guns.
I’m 57% country. Well, at least I’m well balanced. :-D
Created By Lauren at 7:50 AM Witty Sentiments (2)
Labels: Memes
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Adventures in 18th Century Fans
During my annoying cold and forced resting. I'm a horrible patient and I hate just lying around all day. I love being home but I have to have something to do and I hate not being able to go on walks or work out. Anyway, I started researching 18th century fans. I've been wanting a more authentic one for some time, but no one makes them. So I decided I would paint my cheap bamboo stick paper fan. I spent all day today painting away, and amazing I did the whole thing in about 4 hours. It was so relaxing and fun. I used gouache and a gold metallic pen. It's not perfect, I haven't painted since collage, but it sure was fun. Now I have a better fan for reenacting. Enjoy :-)
Created By Lauren at 6:50 PM Witty Sentiments (3)
Labels: 18th Century