Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Another Picture From Mr. Frieze

Created By Lauren at 4:13 PM Witty Sentiments (0)
Labels: Fur Babies
The Newest Memember of The Carpet Place

Created By Lauren at 10:21 AM Witty Sentiments (2)
Labels: Fur Babies
Monday, September 29, 2008
Back to the Grind
My Future Dentist, isn't he handsome!!!
Created By Lauren at 11:10 AM Witty Sentiments (1)
Labels: Dental School, Hubby
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Well, Rosco seems to be doing well, according to my mom. He's feeling better and the hard thing now is to keep him down, because he wants to play. As for Max, we are scheduled for his pre-surgery appointment on Oct. 4th. We're shooting for Oct 17th for his surgery. We'll know more later and I will be sure to keep you all updated. God Bless!
Love Lauren
Created By Lauren at 10:19 AM Witty Sentiments (0)
Labels: Fur Babies
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Fur Babies Aches and Pains
Created By Lauren at 8:03 PM Witty Sentiments (2)
Labels: Fur Babies
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Politics, Good Friends, and Long Walk
Okay, so the title of this post should sum up just how random this post will be :-) First off, I am absolutely thrilled about the McCain, Palin campaign. I know their both politicians, but Sarah Palin has a very geniune presence. I really enjoyed her speech at the Republican convention. I'm also very excited about McCain. I with most, but not all, of his policies, and I really admire his service in the war. What an amazing story and what courage. Okay, enough of my politics for now, time for the next random thing.
On Monday night we got to spend a great evening with an old friend, Max, from Flagstaff. He and Aaron went to highschool together and have continued to stay friends over the years. We went to McMenamins (yumm!), Aaron's dental school, and had a nice round of Season 5 of The Simpsons. It was a lot of fun, and really great to see someone from home.
Finally, the last bit of randomness. Today Aaron and I went for a very, very long walk from our house to Mount Tabor. We took Little Missy, aka Leila, with us. She was sooo, tired by the end, and has slept the rest of the day away. It was really nice just to get out of the house and take an "urban hike." The whole thing took us almost 2 hours, round trip, and was simply delightful. I hope all of you in computer land are having a great week as well. God Bless!
Created By Lauren at 6:59 PM Witty Sentiments (1)
Labels: Friends