The dusky night rides down the sky,
And ushers in the morn;
The hounds all join in glorious cry,
The huntsman winds his horn:
And a hunting we will go. The wife around her husband throws
Her arms, and begs his stay; My dear, it rains, and hails, and snows,
You will not hunt to-day. But a hunting we will go.
A brushing fox in yonder wood,
Secure to find we seek; For why, I carry'd sound and good
A cartload there last week.
Away he goes, he flies the rout,
Their steeds all spur and switch;
Some are thrown in, and some thrown out,
And some thrown in the ditch:
But a hunting we will go.
At length is strength to faintness worn,
Poor Reynard ceases flight;
Then hungry, homeward we return,
Henry Fielding’s 18th century "Hunting Song" (c.1745)
2 Witty Sentiments:
You seems to have had a great time - and your riding habit turned out lovely!
I don't love fox hunting, but I do love all the photos, and it looks like you had a fantastic time (and yes, I know you weren't really hunting a fox!)
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