Well, that was quite the response to my Santa Story post. I had no idea it would spark such conversation and, dare I say it, debate. My intention was to share a funny story from my childhood, however, that story clearly sparked some emotions among my dear readers. I have left all of the comments up, because they are all interesting and have sparked all of this conversation. I do want to say one final thing....
I find it interesting, as Mrs. G kindly brought to the floor, that it is the very people who are screaming tolerance who are intolerant. I want to make a clear distinction between tolerance and love. The Bible clearly does not preach nor teach tolerance. It does however, overwhelmingly preach love. Jesus loved and He loved deeply, however He did not shy away from the truth. In fact, He literally preached it from the mountaintops. He made it very clear that Christianity, as with any religion, is exclusive. There is one way, and one way only to Heaven and that is through Jesus our Savior. He also very bodly told people that we are sinners and need Him. However, He loved.
Webster defines tolerance as "sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own." Jesus was clearly not tolerant but, as stated earlier, He was loving. He loves us more that we can fathom. It is a true unconditional love, but not a tolerence. He told the world that "I am the way the truth and the light. No man comes to the Father except through Me." He loves us so much that He died for our sins. He died so that we can have eternal life with Him.
I hope you remember this season, during the hustle, bustle, and fun, that it is Jesus whom we celebrate. God Bless you dear readers and thank you for your overwhelming responses and debate.
Love Lauren
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4 days ago
7 Witty Sentiments:
Here Here!
Here Here!
Very well put. I'm proud of you honey!
Well said, Lauren! I enjoyed reading your Santa story and agree with you wholeheartedly. I was made to believe in Santa, but grew out of it really early on. We don't plan on teaching our kids to believe in Santa, either. Nice post and Happy Holidays!
Amen, Lauren. Good post!
Amen, Lauren! Excellent post! It really struck me to hear the difference beween love vs. tolerance so clearly put. In many churches today that is not taught. It is wonderful to be reminded of this complete truth. God Bless!
Just a few thoughts of mine
I dont mean to start another crusade but here goes
Love is a Christian/Jewish teaching
Tolerance is in some ways is an Islamic teaching
tolerance is not love and love is not tolerance
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