Last night I went to our church's women's Bible study. It was awesome! We listened to a woman speak about Esther and how her life is a model of true worship and devotion to our God and King. She explained the ritual Esther went through to prepare herself to meet the king of Persia for the first time. 6 months of Myrrh oil was applied to her body and taken internally, followed by another 6 months of sweet spices and fragrances. Her body was clean inside and out; and her natural odor was replaced by the smell of sweet spices. She also wholly submitted herself to God's plan for her life. Though she was taken from her people and brought to the palace, most likely not by her choice, she accepted it. She left everything behind and became a completely devoted to finding favour with the king, which she indeed won as the story tells us.
One of the most touching words of the evening came from our pastor's wife, Betty. As the evening drew to a close she said something that struck a chord with me. "We may not have what the world calls 'beauty', and we may not look like models and movie stars, but we are the Brides of Christ. We are beautiful and pleasing in His eyes." What an amazing truth! How many times do we, mostly women, compare ourselves to the "women" we see on TV or in movies. "I'll never be that skinny," or "I have a 'ghetto booty," or "I'll never look like that in a million years," or "I can pinch an inch," and so many other things. It's something I struggle with on a daily basis. But, to be reminded that I am a Bride of Christ, that we are His brides, His beautiful creation, and He loves us more than we can comprehend makes this body seem, well, like the shell that it is. Not to be neglected, but to be made into a temple for our Savior to dwell. I praise you God for making me and loving me, all of me, for who I am. I am so thankful that I am a bride of Christ, my Jesus, and my Savior.
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4 days ago
2 Witty Sentiments:
That was beautifully put. Thank you for the reminder, it is a truth I need to remind myself too. And you are beautiful! In God's eyes and mine.
Hi there Lady of the House!
Yes I'm in there with you guys. I've struggled with my height (or lack of it ) and weight at times. But I have to remember that I am not my body. God made us each just as we are for some unseen, unknown reason to us for His higher purpose. Who knows what purpose that will serve in another's life. Our family has been so blessed in so many ways Physically, with no seious injury, accident, illness etc. Spiritually also. We all know Him and one day we will all have new,perfect, glorious bodies--like His!! As we follow His commands we are being changed from glory to glory!!
Praise God that I learned to use this silly computer which is really a wonderful way to learn your thoughts and feelings and fears and share with you.
God bless. This is only temporary. I'll see you here, there or in the air!
sara mom
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