Yes, I finally am allowed to sew, with moderation and lots of stretching in between. So, because I’m crazy I have decided to tackle a completely new era and I have two weeks in which to complete my craziness. My dear friend, Lady Devereaux, is participating in Christmas Parlor Tours in Oregon City. She will be dressed in a lovely Victorian bustle gown as she opens her beautiful 188o’s home to the public. She has graciously allowed me to help by greeting people and keeping them from wandering throughout the house. She also has granted me permission to wear whatever I chose, as long as it was around in the lifetime of her home. So, basically I can wear anything from 1880’s on. Now, why on earth would I want to wear modern clothing, so boring, right, when I have over 120 years of fashion to chose from. I could wear one of my 1930’s or 40’s ensembles, but that would be too easy and practical. So, because I’m crazy, I want to wear something from the 1910’s. Yup, why would I pick anything that I currently own, and why on earth would I pick an era I’m familiar with?!? Apparently, I’m a glutton for deadlines and punishment. :D
So, this means that I need a few things that I do not have, which means lots of sewing…
1. A new corset
2. New undergarments (chemise, drawers, ect.)
3. A dress
I’m not 100% sure on the dress style, but it will be something along these lines.
And, hopefully I can do it all by December 10th. Now, I know enough about fashion from this era to be dangerous, but my knowledge of the 1910’s is not even close to that of the 18th century. So, this will be not only an adventure in sewing speed, but an adventure into a new time period. If all else fails and I can’t finish everything in time, I have a lovely silk 1930’s evening gown to fall back on. However, if I can sew a frock coat by hand in 5 days, then I should be able to complete this in two weeks. So, let the craziness begin.