Monday, May 21, 2012

Off on Vacation

Tomorrow I am leaving for a much needed 11 day vacation with my parents and the lovely Mrs. Cartwright. We will be visiting Chicago, Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky. A few of those days include some costumed fun for Mrs. Cartwright and myself, so I will hopefully have some pics for you all when we return. Have a lovely week! God Bless :)


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

HP Lovecraft Film Fest

Over the weekend we went to the annual Lovecraft Film Fest in Portland. We decided to dress for the occasion in 20’s and 30’s in honor of the years Lovecraft was writing. It was a blast and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Here are a few pics that were taken by the even photographer.


Aaron and me earlier in the day. I’m wearing an original late 20’s piece.


Angel and Me after we changed for the evening. I’m wearing an original 1920’s gown and Angel is wearing an original 1930’s gown.


The whole gang at Tony Starlight’s Supper Club After Party.

That’s all for today. I am currently working on 1910’s undergarments and a skirt. I’ll have pics soon.